Our ErasmusPlus project Numeracy in Practice (pr. number 2021-1-NL01-KA220-ADU-000026292) has a total of 11 partners from Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and Türkiye!
The specific project goals are:
(1) To work on awareness of the problem that low numeracy poses for adults to actively and inclusively participate in nowadays society, both regarding work and daily life;
(2) To increase the volume of adult numeracy courses and adult numeracy learning and teaching materials;
(3) To strengthen staff of the participating providers by professional development to address the numeracy problem in an adequate and future-oriented way, based on recent developments and insights from scientific results on the multifacetedness of the concept of numeracy. 📊
Project website: https://cenf.eu/

