Training activities full of surprises with wonderful partners at a mythical place near Naples!!
Technology, nature, art, and games in the service of exploring new interesting ways of teaching math, nowhere else than our Mathgan project!
Last week, our second LTT activity “ Using Games and Gamification as educational Value” was held between 10th-13th October 2022 in Naples/ Italy hosted by Edu Lab. As the topic was Games, we had far and away the best times full of joy and experience.
During the activity, we all analyzed the new teacher roles in the concept of game based learning and focused on using the game and gamification to encourage students individually or as a team . The agenda was planned for not only focusing on the educational value of using games but also testing the Maths activities which are prepared by our host partner for one of the Project output; Activity Handbook for teachers.
Testing the activities by the participant teachers/education staff from partner institutions, Asociatia Edulifelong Pros Innovation Frontiers Stowarzyszenie Nowa Kultura i Edukacja Sayeg Derneği and students form I.C. Lovino Scotellaro, Ercolano helped us to get Instant feedbacks, suggestions. Thus, we could get a clear picture for adjustments:)
Edulab also organized a great event to celebrate erasmusdays which was fabulous opportunity to tell more about the Mathgan project.