This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
According to the research conducted at the preparatory part of this project application, the mobile app created for this project will be a unique digital solution both for the foreigners residing in partner countries as well as the professionals working with immigrants and refugees.
In this project, we will deliver 5 versions of the mobile application for city quizzes with the main focus on the partner’s cultures in their capital cities. The partner countries are Finland, France, Greece, Portugal and Lithuania.
This thematic app will contain illustrated and text questions that will help the user get a better understanding of the culture, traditions and key figures in the partner cultures. In our mobile app we will be offering a possibility to explore the culture and history both by solving the online quizzes in the mobile app and (when the app user is present at the quiz location) by following the map of the area to be able to solve the quizzes and familiarize themselves with the places on which the questions are based.
Each version of the mobile application will be available in 2 languages English as well as the partner language. After the project completion, similar mobile apps can be created for other cities.