This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Basic skills have an impact on all aspects of daily life, from school to employment and from health care to social life. We have seen this very specific during the “corona” crises, in terms of understanding given advices and regulations, to master digital tools, to decide if information in media and social media is true or false etc.
Basic skills also effects work life and duration of employment shows that literacy difficulties limit individual capabilities, reduce productivity and prevent innovation. Recent research shows that adults with poor literacy and numeracy skills are less likely than more highly skilled adults to engage in education programs designed to improve their skills.
The educator is the most important factor to create quality in adult training and education. Today there are no formal regulations in the partner countries regarding adult education. Almost anyone can enter a classroom and teach basic skills. The project will work to improve quality assurance of adult learning and better track the progress of adult learners, by develop criteria’s for transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications for educators.