Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Start


Project Finish



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The idea of the project was born of several needs:
– interest of students in scientific subjects, developing their skills of combining knowledge from various fields, creativity and creative expression
– encourage teachers to learn new methods and work on the ability to solve problems collectively
– benefiting from the educational experience of various institutions.

The aim of the project was to develop a model of teaching science based on connection STEAM, IBSE, EduScrum with elements of outdoor education, game-based learning and digital storytelling (which teachers will become acquainted with during trainings). Each of the methods is usually used separately in education. Our goal was to connect them into a coherent, effective system leading to increasing the attractiveness of scientific subjects and the quality of their teaching. This teaching model was tested during classes for students whose theme will be to show the Earth’s unique character among other planets. This idea introduces additional issue to the project – the protection of the Earth’s natural environment.

Project participants were students, school teachers and educators from other educational institutions. 135 people participated in the project (mobilities). Teachers and educators took part in trainings during which they learned new teaching methods and worked on developing ways to combine them into an effective science teaching system. This model was tested during 4 meetings for students. Students worked on issues related to our planet – its place among other planets, nature and climate. The teaching model developed during project activities allowed to conduct lessons in a more interesting and creative way, which positively influenced the interest of students in scientific subjects. Teachers and educators learned new teaching methods, exchange experiences, knowledge and skills, learned to work in a team and solve the problems. The new teaching model and educational materials were introduced to partner schools and the training offer of other partner institutions. It was developed and forwarded to other educational institutions as well.